Here are a few photo’s of the car after my first attempt at doing the HDR thing. Click on the image you want to view for a medium sized image and then click on it again to view a larger size image. A little more information on HDR can be found by reading on.Continue readingAttempt at HDR – Evo 6 TME
Tag: Evo
New Alcons fitted
After the problems with the Performance friction discs (fade using PF pads and then the judder issues – possibly due to incompatible pad materials) and the standard Brembos it was decided to fit a new set of front Alcon 343’s for safety reasons on the Evo. Looking forward to using them on track!Continue readingNew Alcons fitted
MLR Snetterton trackday – Saturday 10 October 2009. Thanks to Darin and Mechell, the marshals, mlr members, the guys and girls in garages 7+8. and all other drivers for a great day!Continue readingSnetterton Track Day with the MLR 10/10/09
Snetterton Track Day 22/03/09
Finally got around to doing something with the footage that was taken from the day. My first video editing exploits! Hope you enjoy 🙂Continue readingSnetterton Track Day 22/03/09
As Jon couldn’t do this event I decided that I would attend in his place. I am pleased that I did as it was a great day. We arrived early being about the 3rd car onsite. I swapped over the tyres from the road Michelins to my set of R888’s. Whilst doing this the paddock…Continue readingMorning Track Day at Brands Hatch 25/06/09
Popped down to Brands Hatch on Friday to help Jon with his test day. Lovely weather and a packed test day meant plenty of excitement. Unfortunately Jons day ended early due to mechanical issues but that’s what tests days are for! Below are a couple of pictures from the day. Had a chat with Robin…Continue readingBrands Hatch Test Day Friday 19/06/09